A pretty young apprentice is trapped in a perilous maze of politics and magic. Only the master sorcerer can save her — but he has disappeared!

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And now, on to the audio!
Sooner or later, I’ll get all this together in an audiobook.
But in the meanwhile — let me read it to you here.
Just click on the audio links below.
We meet Tuck who shows us around the city of Bar-Jahnek, during the Great Festival of the goddess Hertha. We also discover little Dreysa, who has a talent for magic
Dreysa is apprenticed to the famous sorcerer, Zhravig, but she doesn’t seem to have learned much magic. However, the Assassin Vhulf doesn’t know that! He waylays Dreysa with the worst of intentions.
Dreysa is rescued by Tuck, who learns there are some ugly intrigues swirling around Zhravig and the Temple, intrigues in which even Vhulf is only a junior player.
Dreysa learns some magic at last–earth magic. The lesson is difficult. Meanwhile Vhulf goes home. Home is pretty exotic; it turns out he’s a son of the Danaan. But he isn’t there to visit with family. He is reporting to the sorcerer Asmodé
Tensions between the Assassin’s Guild and the Temple erupt into violence. Much water magic is required to heal the wounded. Vhulf meets with Mother Sophya to negotiate an uneasy truce
Tuck is living the high life while the dialogue between the Assassin’s Guild and the Temple is bearing strange fruit. When Tuck and Aryanu meet again at long last, she warns him of Asmodé’s designs–and Dreysa’s destiny.
We find Vhulf spying on Zhravig for Asmodé while Dreysa pays a terrible price to learn fire magic. Tuck discovers that even a fortune doesn’t last for ever, which makes him easy prey for Assassins.
Asmodé sends his servant Aniya to confront Zhravig, while Assassins find their way into the caves. Dreysa and the bandywight flee into the tunnels.
Dreysa and the bandywight make their way Temple, where they meet Tuck. But he only wants to get back out of the Temple! Dreysa doesn’t like to leave without locking the door behind her.
Dreysa and Tuck are immediately joined by Vhulf, who insists they accompany him to the City of the Danaan to consult with Asmodé. The tunnels do, in fact, lead all the way out under the mountains, which pleases Vhulf greatly. But Dreysa wants only to master air magic.
Vhulf hands Dreysa over to Asmodé; Tuck manages to disappear. Asmodé tries to win Dreysa’s cooperation, but Aniya gives the game away. Much against his better judgment, Tuck attempts a rescue.
Alas, Dreysa still can’t resist Vhulf. But he is mostly concerned about Aniya, who has decided to betray Asmodé–and wants him to help her!
Zhravig did not keep the bandywight just because he was an animal lover. It seems the creature can work magic. But Aniya interferes. Tuck fetches Dreysa in the hope she can rescue Zhravig. Of course, Asmodé can’t allow that!